Automatic Character Setup (ACS) 2 kit
Auto Character Setup (ACS) 2 kit is a production-ready, automatic rigging solution for bipedal characters that simplifies technical tasks with an interactive drag-and-drop workflow that even the most novice MODO users will find valuable.
ACS introduces a powerful and efficient environment that makes rigging and animating your character easy. ACS 2 features a flexible, general-purpose biped rig that can be quickly adjusted to work with a wide range of characters. The Rigging tools streamline the process of binding, weight painting and applying corrective morphs. When animating, the library of Poses and Actions makes it possible to reuse animation data between scenes or even different characters. Motion capture data can also be applied with just a few clicks using an optimized retargeting workflow. The ability to animate on top of the imported Motion can be done using both FK and IK controls. Characters can then be flattened into a simple hierarchy of joints with a single click, ready to export into external applications such as Unity or Unreal Engine.
What's New in Version 2?
Preset-based poses and actions library for storing and reusing animation data across scenes or even different charactersPoses and actions mirroring toolsRetargeting support with the ability to animate over motion capture using both FK and IK rig controls (requires ACS 2 rig)IK/FK matching (requires ACS 2 rig)Squash and stretch controls for limbs and torsoBind mesh proxy mode for faster playback performance and the ability to pose a character with rig controls hiddenRobust selection tools that make it easy to select various parts of the rig; supports MODO’s native item selection sets
Animation tools for editing keys for either entire character, selected controls or selected channels onlyDedicated Animate Palette increases animation efficiencySupport for Mixamo’s rigged characters, which includes the ability to reuse characters’ proportions and weight mapsSnapshot command for freezing a character’s current pose into a separate mesh layerImproved baking that supports baking multiple actions and custom naming schemes for the output skeletonImproved preview tools for creating animation previews with a minimum number of clicks
What is included with the ACS kit?
- One Biped Rig preset
- Three Joint Influence presets (Hinge, Free and Roll Joint Influence)
- Two sample character models: Hero and Bolo (downloadable samples on the right hand column)
- Four sample scenes: Hiero Rigged, Bolo Rigged, Bolo Walkcycle Animation, Hiero Run Animation
- A set of example poses for Hiero and Bolo
- Online manual with over three hours of training material