Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher running on a 64-bit Intel-based Mac; 1024 MB free RAM, DVD ROM drive. Standard DVD installation can take up to 7 GB of disk space. Software must be registered for permanent use.
CINEMA 4D Visualize, Release 15 (R15)
CINEMA 4D Visualize gives you a comprehensive suite of modeling and texturing tools and rendering options. Features included are Global Illumination, Physical Sky, sketch-style rendering and huge librairies of 3D scene fillers, textures, lighting environments, and much more.

CINEMA 4D Visualize has a massive range of import options that let you work with models from a large variety of 2D and 3D applications. There is file exchange support for many leading 3D CAD applications such as VectorWorks, ArchiCAD and Allplan.
You can create simple walk-throughs and stills in Visualize but you can also create breathtakingly realistic visual animations - in ways not possible in the real world. CINEMA 4D Visualize breaks through the limits of your own imagination.